From probably competitors, for example, Accord to hopium-fuelled picks like Realm Hearts 4, here are our expectations for the supposed PlayStation Feature.

Rumors from far and wide suggest that a pristine PlayStation Grandstand or Territory of Play is showing up before the finish of May, and that implies heaps of astonishing updates, trailers, and uncovers for impending PS5 games could be not too far off. Last year's exhibit was a major one, and with Xbox preparing for its very own gigantic show during Summer Game Fest, there is certainly an impulse for Sony to go hard and start off the uncover season in style.

Thus, we've chosen to assemble The Loadout group's expectations for all the new PS5 games that we think will be highlighted in some limit. Perhaps we're being overoptimistic, or perhaps we're low-balling Sony, yet that is for you to choose whenever you've investigated. Probably the best PS5 games ever, similar to Helldivers 2 and Insect Man 2, sprung up during the 2023 feature, so we're expecting large things for 2024 - would it be advisable for it appear, obviously.

Additionally note that we're simply zeroing in on declarations for PS5 games here - we're sure that the PS5 Genius control center will ultimately be uncovered, for instance, yet we're leaving things like equipment, film or television side projects, and PS In addition to declarations aside for the present. Our forecasts are additionally separated into three segments - possible, logical, and confident.

Destiny 2 The Final Shape (and the future of Destiny?)

Bungie Reveals Destiny 2: The Final Shape Details and Announces

This is somewhat of an easy decision, taking into account that The Last Shape delivery date will show up extremely not long after this potential May feature. It would give Sony one final chance to publicity up the postponed yet noteworthy looking new extension for Predetermination 2.

If we somehow happened to connect an additional curve expectation to this, perhaps we'll hear a smidgen more about the fate of Predetermination too. We realize that The Last Shape will wrap up the extended Light and Dull adventure, and that we'll get three 'episodes' of content until the following large extension shows up in 2025. So what comes straightaway? Perhaps we'll get a crawl of data about where Fate will take from here on out. What appears to be sure however is that we'll get something like one more kickass trailer for The Last Shape.

A Helldivers 2 festival

Sony as of late uncovered that Helldivers 2 is presently its quickest selling round ever, and on the off chance that it some way or another doesn't yell about that stunning detail during its next feature, I'll eat my Quasar Cannon. Close by this, we figure we could see some sort of uncover of new Helldivers 2 substance. This could be all around as basic as an early glance at the following Warbond, or it might actually be the uncover of the center game's next adversary group, which is without a doubt The Enlighten from the first Helldivers.


One of the many live assistance games uncovered finally year's grandstand, PvP science fiction shooter Accord will more than likely component at Sony's next exhibit. All things considered, it needs to, truly, on the grounds that despite the fact that the Accord delivery date is set to show up some time in 2024, we know barely anything about it.

An ongoing interaction trailer and a few additional subtleties from Firewalk Studios about what shooter fans can expect is most certainly required, and a declaration of a firm delivery date likewise appears to be probable.

Spider-Man 2 DLC

10 Things A Marvel's Spider-Man 2 DLC Must Include

Sony has proactively conceded that there'll be "no significant deliveries" from its top establishments until no less than 2025, so it requirements to discover some star power from some place throughout the following a year. Indeed, some new story DLC for Insect Man 2 seems like the method for getting it done.

An underlying story trailer parading a few new characters and highlights, or even a little bother for anything new story beat is coming, would be expert. Taking into account Bug Man on the PS4 got this show on the road with DLC under two months after send off, and we're currently (really looks at watch) right around a half year into Bug Man 2, it's most certainly due.

Silent Hill 2 remake

A great deal is riding in Bloober Group's Quiet Slope 2 change as its source material remaining parts one of the most mind-blowing loathsomeness rounds ever, and a firm #1 of our own at The Loadout HQ. Having at long last presented a legitimate look at its ongoing interaction during January's Province of Play, we're anticipating a substantially more extensive glance at James, Maria, and co. before long, as well as that terrifically significant Quiet Slope 2 change delivery date. Assuming we get that May feature, Quiet Slope 2 feels like a dead cert to be there.

Toward the finish of April, Bloober Group expressed that Quiet Slope 2 is its "most significant test" yet. Luckily, it appears to advance well - not exclusively is the studio "energized" about the undertaking, but at the same time it's "exceptionally certain about the end-product." Come on, Bloober, let us in.

Until Dawn remake

An Until Dawn remake is coming to PS5 and PC this year

Until First light's Stunning Motor 5 makeover is set to hit PS5 this year, and the astounding repulsiveness game's facelift will presumably be paraded in the future in the event that this May feature shows up. We hope to hear more unambiguous insights regarding execution and the overhauls that have been made, as well as a firm delivery date (except if any sad postponements have hit it that would move it beyond its 2024 window).

While Konami itself hasn't given a delivery window for its Metal Stuff Strong 3 change, Sony has - it recorded Delta Snake Eater in its gathering of impending 2024 deliveries, meaning we ought to see it before the current year's over. Considering that it was uncovered in the 2023 PlayStation Grandstand, and that Sony remembered it for said roundup, we're really sure the following time we see Snake will be during another PlayStation occasion.

As we've just up to this point seen its underlying uncover trailer and around 90 seconds of in-motor ongoing interaction, we think a drawn out interactivity trailer and affirmation of Metal Stuff Strong Delta's delivery date is genuinely possible.


Like the previously mentioned Harmony, multiplayer heist shooter Fairgames was reported during last year's feature with a cool CGI trailer yet exceptionally restricted insights concerning what it really involves.

While it doesn't have an approaching delivery window to speed things up like Accord, we're confident that some early ongoing interaction subtleties will arise. In any case, with Helldivers 2 going stratospheric and Harmony probably requiring a great deal of spotlight, there is an opportunity Sony saves Fairgames for one more day.

Wolverine, Venom, or both

Wolverine Cosplay Turns Logan into Venom's Deadliest Host Yet

HoYoverse is expecting to go three-for-three on fruitful control center deliveries, as Zenless Zone Zero is set to join Genshin Effect and Honkai Star Rail on PS5 sooner or in the not so distant future. With a conditional July 3 delivery date having been spotted on the Application Store in specific locales, close by the start of its pre-enrollment period towards the finish of April, the May grandstand is the ideal chance to affirm the genuine Zenless Zone Zero PS5 delivery date.

We did already contact HoYo looking for affirmation that the PS5 rendition of the RPG will send off at the same time with PC and portable, however without much of any result. However HoYo has generally delivered its control center ports months a half year or so post-send off, we have a sneaking doubt the gacha goliath will drop its Empty jumping experience across all stages at every turn. In that capacity, we figure HoYo could affirm it will be on PS5 the very first moment at PlayStation's grandstand.

Wolverine, Toxin, or both

20 PS5 games that could appear at May's rumored PlayStation Showcase

With the Deadpool and Wolverine film arriving at movie theaters in July, there's most certainly a ton of Logan publicity at the present time, so it seems like the ideal second for Restless person to give us one more glance at what it's concocting for its Wolverine PS5 game. While it could in any case be all in all too right on time to see crude ongoing interaction, a realistic story trailer would go down a treat. We could try and get a conditional Wolverine delivery date window declaration.

Nonetheless, significant notices of an independent Toxin game were likewise found inside Sleep deprived person's monstrous information break at the last part of the year before. In the event that this is Toxin project is genuine, might we at some point likewise get an uncover of this game? Or on the other hand will it simply be the Wolverine show? Or on the other hand might we at any point see both Toxin and Wolverine highlight? One way or another, we're hopeful that we'll hear more from Restless person past what it's doing with Miles and Peter in Bug Man 2.

Sword of the Ocean

While it could have gone unnoticed in what was a stuffed grandstand last year, Blade of the Ocean is a dazzling looking new game from the group behind Excursion and Abzu.